THE HOGUEPROPHECY REPORT, 23 February to 12 March 2025: The Year of Surprise & Revolution / The Frog & the Centipede: On Trump’s Modus Operandi—with some Help from Tom Robbins, Ray Bradbury & Aesop’s Fables—is an Exercise in Spontaneity / Earth Trauma Report: My writing Interrupted by an Unexpectedly Violent Thunderstorm / Riyadh Summits, Past & Future: Hosted by MBS, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Has he been unfairly judged by Nostradamus to be Mabus, his Third & Final Antichrist? / Nostradamus on Russia & America: The Great Brothers Who Are Not Yet Brothers (Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin) May at Last Become Brothers in 2025 & the World will be Saved through this, so Says Nostradamus? / Vice President JD Vance’s NATO era ending Speech at the Munich Security Conference / The First Six Week Report on the Second American Revolution & Some of What is Coming Next

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DATELINE: 23 February 2025

Icon from the Oxygen icon theme, from 11 January 2008 until 11 November 2014. Source: KDE github. Author: the Oxygen Team, KDE, GNU Lesser General Public License.

Icon from the Oxygen icon theme, from 11 January 2008 until 11 November 2014. Source: KDE github. Author: the Oxygen Team, KDE, GNU Lesser General Public License.


2025: Year of Surprise and Revolution

This is the beauty of life, that it is always a surprise. (Osho)

Surprise! Surprise!! Surprise!!! Gomer Pyle

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GAIN FULL ACCESS NOW TO 12-MONTHS OF HOGUEPROPHECY ARTICLES. Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.

Did you feel it? Did you notice something that the world’s Hegemonic, Uni-Polar state of economic and political reality of Empire America since 1990, in one instant, just died with a whimper?

Just one thought killed it from one man.

It wasn’t declared by him as dead. It ended like the silent change of one mind replacing an old idea with a new idea. The American Hegemon got “McKinley’d” in the first week of Donald J. Trump in the White House having a new idea erasing all thought of hegemonic thoughts, to reestablish a balance of three Great Powers. That America rethought as one of these great powers understands instantly that it must with Russia and China get their territories in order, their spheres of influence established, taking the uni-power load off America’s shoulders. And if the world gets more stability than the chaos no longer required by one change of thought to keep America top dog over all others, peace on Earth can happen.

Prosperity will then follow.

That’s the kind of thought that changed the world in the flash of a synapse coming from a 78-year-old brain, born under the double-trouble Sun-signed, Gemini-twins-ruled 47th President of the United States. This celestial arrangement birthed into Trump his unique, given that his Sun at birth on 14 June 1946 is deeply influenced by Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, catalyst of unexpected flights of mad genius, overturning the status quo, with a sudden, completely improvised, Uranian original thoughts. Trump just replaced 35 years of the American Hegemonic rule with a thought.

Hegemon? Shmege-jemon!

Fuhgeddaboudit! Snap your fingers in a New York minute!

Hey! Boobie?!

We’re “Fortress America” now, one of three World Powers with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China being the other “Dons” alongside “Don[ald] John Trump’s America.

What does such a thought make follow?

Look at all those 800 US military outposts and bases spread across the world, wasting a whole lot of money. What are we doing with all those 8,000 generals to overmanage that waste? It is now a burdensome set up where the sun never sets on a US weapon to police the world that doesn’t really want Americans doing that anymore for them—and frankly, I must tell you, backing out of being Atlas lifting and spinning everyone’s spheres of influence as its own?

Well Miss Ayn? Kiss my Rand!

That’s enough! Time for Atlas America to shrug the whole show off its aching shoulders. Make America hegemonically free again, starting with more attention and creative investment for its corner of the world where it naturally dominates with far less trillions wasted.

Come home America to the Western Hemisphere, primarily North America, as your chief interest, starting from Panama up through Mexico, nation-“rebuilding” your own fifty home-landed states and territories. Hey, Canada, if you are not our 51st state, at least we’ll render you down to a vassal protectorate along with Greenland while you share the resources of the Arctic Ocean with the other two “Dons,” Don Putin of Russia and Don Xi of China.

There. All done.

Wha-da-ya think?

Trump ghosted the US Hegemon, setting in motion a whole lot of new ways for America and the rest of the world to spook off all the arrangements, both military and financial, that sustained all support to something that has bogie boogied.

Many US bases pull up camp and spirit away home. The Military Industrial Complex will end its long grift from profiting off forever-wars that made a whole lot of expensive but mediocre weapons because it was profit driven, not purpose driven. Now it has a new purpose “not” to dominate the world but only protect and “defend” the United States of America.

Trump appointed Elon Musk and D.O.G.E. (the Department of Government Efficiency) and all but shut down USAID clearing out the waste in other agencies. They will start knocking on the door of the biggest world polluter, the biggest money waster on the planet, the Pentagon. With pink slips galore they will clear out those so-called 8,000 generals and admirals who are nothing more than commanders of the grift that ever dresses bureaucrats in three or four-star military uniforms. Only bureaucratic animals become the generals, no combat officers are allowed to rise beyond Colonel. We know, Trump has chosen a combat officer to run the Pentagon and he’s going to target those three and four star, brass-assed bureaucrats.

Hegemon-think dematerializes. Warriors rather than bureau-“rats” drill instruct a cut of the flab heads of command and fat-bodies of the US military, making it smaller, leaner, more efficient, more up to date with the Chinese and Russian armies so that a balance of power is achieved. So that Peace really is our US armed forces’ collective profession. Peace, and keeping the peace may then someday fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy in an original, Uranian way.

His vision of, They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks.

Will rather presage, They shall beat their warmongers into retirement-shares and their politician peers, retired to lakesides, with their lures because they’re fishing hooked.

We live in a new world since Inauguration Day 20 January 2025. It is a world where Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, ruler of the new Aquarian age of the humanitarian, and heterodoxic genius, conjures out of Trump, a new (and resurrected) President of the United States after being put on hold for four years by the results of what will later be proven was a fraudulent national election of 2020.

Stop the steal?

Rather, thank God for that Fraud!

Existence upends misfortune in the strangest ways, especially in this dawning Aquarian Age, having sat Trump down to assess for four long years what had happened to him in “Trump 1.0” (January 20, 2021 – 20 January 2025). In four years since, he has matured his shocking ideas, one of which is like a wine that has ripened timely to pull the cork and sample an idea that harkens back to the beginning of the twentieth century that would have Trump lead America seeking a completely different set of challenges to achieve by spontaneous inspirations, often childlike in their wisdom, that will outright upset and overturn the way we look at things. Trump will often unleash his core reality in the next four years like a precocious eight-year-old that unexpectedly lights the fuse off of explosively innocent-insight, throws a freshly lit truth bomb, fashioned as an innocent question, like asking why “isn’t” the Panama Canal run by the United States?

We built it, didn’t we? Thousands of Americans were buried in graves in the jungles of Panama building it, then dying of yellow fever.

And look at the Yellow Peril that Panamanians have invited to control both ends of the canal’s entry points with Chinese owned ports controlling businesses that Beijing controls?

An American child playing in the sandlot of the world will threaten to go to toy soldier war with the Chinese kids by taking Panama Canal back, because the canal is in little Donald’s corner of the sandlot, and he has dibs on it! Play fair or pay fare!

And they did.

Such child-think and prattled threats have already backed the Chinese off.

American shipping paid the highest shipping fees?

Trump’s threat to take the canal back immediately prompted the Panamanian government to erase these extra expensive and unfair shipping fees on American shipping using the canal they build and died for.

Am I being childish?

Or rather, is it a new and childlike way to show your power by exposing a real injustice with simple and innocent illumination, making clear the unfairness of what’s happening by balancing it with a veiled threat of taking Panama Canal back with the largest naval and marine forces on Earth.

Trump called them out. Panama and the Chinese are now behaving fair, and America didn’t burden itself with a war in Panama with the Chinese. We’re all smiles now. Business is flowing again, with the thing that will not be mentioned, the stick, still hovering over Panama like this was 1900, and US President William McKinley succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt has returned to American gunboat diplomacy. Trump, like Teddy, with that Leo-Rising, velvety feline voice whispering indirect military action, is “Speaking softly” but also “carrying” his own “big stick” if you don’t play fair and square there.


Jack the Giant Killer (wrapped in the US Constitution) with Teddy Roosevelt as “the Giant.” From Puck Magazine, 1907 (Public Domain).

Trump began playfully calling Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the soon-to-be “governor” of Canada becoming “America’s future 51st state.

It was as much a joke as it hinted a real intention. Trump manipulated that handsome, pretty-boy mediocrity of a Prime Minister, said to have been sired by Fidel Castro once upon a time during his father, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s, diplomatic mission with first lady of Canada in arm to Cuba in in 1976. Pierre Trudeau came home to Ottawa perhaps unaware of his wife’s new “Cuban import” seeded through a passionate “affair of state.”

Here he goes again. Trump declares that Canadians aren’t playing fair. Americans are spending hundreds of billions a year for Canada’s protection in NATO, but that’s all going to end soon, maybe even before this year is out, because the Hegemon is ghosted gone, transformed into a “big power” neighbor with a greater interest in owning the North American neighborhood than before. NATO used to be the way the US could keep Europe under its unipolar control. Having stepped down from that military and financial burden, America enjoys the freedom from sustaining Canada in NATO, or nursing NATO entirely. It’s nice to soon be ignoring and paying for guarding the warmongering, pip-squeak chihuahua Baltic States, or the UK, or France, or even Germans, like the new Chancellor Mertz, who think they can ever saber rattle the Russians, like pip-squeak bullies that believe the United States will ever continue to cover their shaking backsides.

Surprise! Surprise!! SURPRISE!!! You’re all on your own!

And you, Canada, only my expensively protected neighbor now, let’s talk statehood as my new “protection” racket.

Children can be nasty, but I don’t know. It seems to me that the innocent wisdom of a precocious eight-year-old can cut through all the crock of mature-appearing men and women running NATO, including the late and wise Canadian Prime Minister Pierre and current Prime Minister, his mediocre bastard son Justin True-deau-deau bird, flapping his wings over his wits about the Leontine Trump, purring his “governor” jokes-in-earnest, playing with his prey, a chicken hawk of a man, before pouncing, maybe.

What is NATO if boy Trump pulls America out of it?

Well, it’s as naked as that European Emperor in the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” He’s seen by one child in the kingdom of folks all arranged to come and admire the emperor, all the “adults” pretending the clothes are wonderful, as he strides down the red carpet in his magical robes, passing that one child that yells out to his father, innocently, “Look Pappa! The Emperor’s BUCK NAKED!”

Black and white illustration of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” a fairy tale by Hans Andersen's (1913) London: Constable. (Public Domain)

Black and white illustration of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” a fairy tale by Hans Andersen’s (1913) London: Constable. (Public Domain)

So let the naked aggression threats of NATO’s European leaders, and the naked aggression mongering of the European Union’s fellow leaders, just stand there “Buck Naked” when Trump pulls the plug on US involvement in the North American Treaty Organization when he butts the “North American” USA part our from that acrimonious acronym leaving only a “Treaty Organization” behind  that spent the last three years stripping itself “naked” of its tanks, planes, guns, weapons, missiles and bullets, its armored APCs, trucks, etc. all to be destroyed by the Russians inside Ukraine.

The overlord is overjoyed now to kiss goodbye its overwhelmed, soon to be one-time little Euro-peon vassals. And if it can’t make Canada its 51st American state, America can stop protecting it and save hundreds of billions of dollars.

Canada? Beware of a very different “state” of living, right next door to a leaner and happier world power morphing into the US Western Hemispheric dominator. Either grow a stronger sovereign spine or find yourself playing the “Panama del la Norte” when Trump wants you to “play fair” about the Arctic and sharing its wealth. Remember, the Northwest Passage might very soon have its eastern mouth to European markets patrolled by another candidate for 51st US state that makes more sense than Canada ought-uh Ottawa, Ottah-would, Ottah-Go.

The future “state” of Canada will undergo great changes when “Fortress America” directly absorbs little Denmark’s massive Greenland Island’s resources, its mineral and oil wealth, and especially its strategic position, that Denmark is too dinky to exploit. All of great Greenland Isle is just a relatively short distance from America, as the Baffin flies and the Skua dives.


As the song doesn’t go, this new William Mount Mckinley-an president wants to croon a new tune out of Woody Guthrie’s song: “This Land is My Land”:

This land is Greenland, this land is MY LAND!
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters.
GREENLAND is made for me, JUST ME!

And not YOU, little mermaid of Copenhagen!

The president’s son made a surprise visit to the Inuit peoples of Greenland, he’s just a civilian, not an official of the Trump administration “officially speaking,” but hey, things are changing. Things are loosening up. Why can’t Trump’s son and unorthodox political advisor be a passenger in his father’s real estate magnet’s jet—stamped with the Heeoooge “T-R-U-M-P” on it, fly into Nuuk the Capital of Greenland, its most populous city of 20,110, faster than you can say the name of most of the other settlements of Greenland that get bigger names the smaller the population shrinks, like flying into Nuuk faster than you can say Kangilinnguit, or Narsarsuaaraq or even faster than you can say the itty-bitty llittle village name of Qeqertarsuatsiaat!!

Don Jr. and his entourage flew into Nuuk and into the collective mukluk-booted and seal-skinned-clad arms of the welcoming Inuit population who are looking for a protector next door to either protect their desire for independence from Denmark, or maybe even join America as its newest state, rather than suffer the distant little-be-queened Danish-desert monarchy—a “Danish” so small that before its previous octogenarian Queen Margrethe II. Before she abdicated her thrown to younger blue bloods in January 2024) Margrethe II had to downsize the royal roles for her extended family of royal hangers-on and tell most of this host of wannabe entitled princes, princesses, dukes and duchesses to go get a job amongst the common Danish folk.

Is Trump fixated on Greenland like it is a Hans Christian Anderson fairytale? Will the Ugly Danish Royal Duckling at last sing her swan song to the American Emperor’s new “pose” to take Greenland?

Big surprises coming. I predict the Inuit people will decare independence from Denmark, and den vee vill see whose land Greenland vill be, boobie.

Stamps of the “autonomous” Danish Territory, the Faroe Islands, in 2012 displaying Queen Margrethe II with some Viking wolf-hounded-like Lions, public-domain.

Stamps of the “autonomous” Danish Territory, the Faroe Islands, in 2012 displaying Queen Margrethe II with some Viking wolf-hounded-like Lions, public-domain.

Trump is the catalyst for the second American revolution. Hence there has never been a better time than now for all of you who are so worked up and stunned by the first of 47 months to go with Trump’s wheeling and dealing in office. Time to read Trump’s Business Bible on how he pulls surprises out of chaos: The Art of the Deal.

In nearly every real estate deal, Trump comes in aggressively, demanding outrageous things, throwing his opposites off balance with his theatrics. He grabs his opposite by the balls and takes a pull on his testicular identity, his expectations. He’s like a wake-up call that spills hot coffee down your blouse, to off-set your rehearsed pitch like a “going Dutch” dunker, coming up for air, breathing in a baptism of fire.

He’s Jack “out of the Box, Jack!” and Trump is going to take the world out of its establishment boxes if they want to stay ahead of him, exactly where he wants you to go. His Wu Wei, Wah-woo-woo, ways in previous times had taken a Zen stick to the businessman’s head-schtick taken to task, but now as president returned, brace for new impacts, for he is stick-ready to hit political-schlock meisters in Washington, striking off the civil “c” in “crats” of bureau-rats, deep-sixing the Deep State.

I could cite many examples but let’s cut to the most outrageous and politically, humanly incorrect and offsetting of Trump’s initial shock and offers. Standing at a presidential podium, leaning against it was he in a formal White House Press conference about two weeks into his first month as returned president. To his right was his honored “harrowed?” guest, the Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, holding tight his own podium.

Trump, head down on chest, reading his notes, launched forth an offer that even that “Nutty-yahoo” couldn’t refuse. His head was down offsetting everyone with his velvety voice subdued as it softly wrapped itself around his hard, genocidal-sounding thoughts of US ownership of a problem in the following. [Take note of his many offsetting pauses that I’ve inserted in the following text as “(…)”:

The US will take over the Gaza Strip. And we will do a job with it too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all the dangers of unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. We’ll (…) level the site (…) and get rid of all the dangerous unexploded bombs and other things, leveling it out, creating other things and economic development that will supply (…). unlimited jobs and housing for the people of the area.

We’ll do a real job. (…) We’ll do something different (…).

You just can’t go back. If you go back, it’s going to end up the same way for a hundred years.

I’m hopeful that this ceasefire will be the beginning of a larger, more enduring peace that will end the bloodshed and killing once and for all. With the same goal in mind, my Administration will be moving quickly to restore trust in the (…) alliance and rebuild American strength throughout the region…

He’s walking on eggshells, or better, walking on sculls mixed with the debris of US unexploded bombs that Biden sent to help Netanyahu level the most densely populated urbanization on Earth, covering an area the size of metropolitan London. Notice how he jumped suddenly to the topic of those who shall never be officially named? He told the Palestinians that, “You just can’t go back, if you go back it’s going to end up the same way for a hundred years.”

He had jumped to talking about the unnamed people living amongst the thousands of exploded, and a few remaining unexploded, US bombs, hurled by a Zionist Israeli genocide upon Palestinians that willfully destroyed neighborhoods, schools, universities, mosques and churches. It also obliterated the hospitals that could take care of the injured. Next the IDF (Israeli “Defense” Forces) soldiers came in to shoot and bury with bulldozers the staffs of hospitals, the EMT emergency workers and ambulance drivers too, throw a few hundred Palestinian journalists too, into in mass graves under this “demolition site,” a heinous act not seen since the Nazis turned the Warsaw Ghetto into a demolition site by 1944, a year after the Jewish uprising there. It too eventually was cleared by Hitler’s minions of all remaining ruins, flat rubble sites neatly contained in a cleared city road grid:


There was Trump in real estate businessman mode talking about the Palestinian genocide victims, never naming them, with Netanyahu, their mass murderer beside him, watching Trump like a nervous puppy. Those who shall not be named are treated like they were pesky tenants that have to leave their condemned buildings, before Trump’s new towers can replace their memory, by force if needed, so that the, what I would call it, the “Gaza Strip Zionist Riviera project”? Whatever, you can make beautiful beachfront property for the murderers and their families who approve of Netanyahu’s mass murdering a whole lot of the nameless victims. The Zionists since they came to Palestine in 1948 had stolen their lands and properties, then forced many of them to flee to the then Egyptian controlled Gaza “Strip” of land that by the 1967 Six Day War was also seized by Israel to turn Gaza into the new Warsaw Ghetto that, with similar crimes committed, was destroyed by the Biden Administration’s aiding, abetting and bomb arming.

Trump and his administration now “own it.”

After his opening speech at that Press Conference, Trump introduced some of his new cabinet members and then drifted back into his “clear the Gaza tenants” theme:

I also strongly believe that the Gaza Strip which has been a symbol of death and destruction for so many decades and (…). So bad for the people living anywhere near it (…).

That’s a shout out to the Israeli Jews that “thought Amalek” and started the genocide in October 2023 that he currently has put a hold on to own. The official death toll had counted at least 48,000 before the US bombs guided by Israeli piloted, US made F-35s and F-16s took out nearly all the Palestinian hospital and government records centers and killed also those who did the dead record keeping so that no further accounting of the slaughtered victims would continue for over a year.

Returning to “the people” that shall not be named, the Palestinians, Trump pressed on:

…and especially those who live there and frankly those who’s been very unlucky. It’s been an unlucky place for a long time. Being in its presence has not been good and it should not go through a process of rebuilding and (…) occupation by the same people that have really stood there and fought for it and lived there and died there and lived a miserable existence there.

This is Trump’s first outrageous offer, not naming the untouchables directly. They were just, “very unlucky” to be in that neighborhood, in an open prison the likes of which hasn’t been seen since an earlier holocaust of Semites, the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Warsaw Ghetto Jews were merely “unlucky” too, weren’t they? They finally rebelled and fought in its streets like the Palestinians had to do in their Gaza “Warsaw” Ghetto, didn’t they?

They were eventually defeated among the ghetto ruins by the SS troops in Warsaw. Next stop for the survivors was an even unluckier place that was so bad for the people—the Aryan Nazi SS—living anywhere near it, who sometimes had to tolerate all that human ash falling like dandruff from the smokestacks settling on their clean SS uniforms, or they had to suffer the nagging of their wives when setting dinner in the patio al fresco was similarly soiling the opening serving of soup with grey soot floating on the surface brought to you by the chimneys of Auschwitz.

But here is where the Warsaw Ghetto parallel history strays.

The Gazan’s “weren’t” defeated. The Israeli Zionist supremacist units of the IDF didn’t win when they fought Hamas Palestinian soldiers dug inside their tunnel network underneath the Gaza Ghetto battlefield of today. Hamas forces are still there, stronger, more defiant. And if Trump sends in the Marines, the US Special Forces, the US elite paratrooper divisions of the 82nd and the 101st Airborne divisions into the ruins, they too will be decimated and defeated in their version of Stalingrad-Gaza in urban battles among the ruins.

Speaking of Trump moving the unmentionables out, there was a rumor floating around early on in the last holocaust that Hitler in 1941 was going to ship all the Jews of Europe to a new home in Nazi ally Vichy France’s colony of Madagascar. Trump’s offer is a variation on that theme:

Instead “we” (meaning “they”) should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts—and there are many of them that want to do this [well not yet, Mr. President, you’re just floating that, Art of the Deal, positive-hyperbolic offer out there]—and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza.

Trump, rarely one to get the data completely straight, surprised me He said 1.8 “nameless” people had to be moved out to other lands, emphasizing in his presser, Arab lands.

One-point-eight million!

He actually said that! Does that mean he knows how many Palestinian civilians the Zionists have murdered?

I’ve not heard any official make that estimation of 1.8 survivors from the original 2.3 million that lived there at the start of Israel’s War of Palestinian Genocide on 7 October 2023.

Many of you who read me know it comes close to my estimation of the real number of survivors left, 1.7 million, stated in my HogueProphecy Reports from September 2024. My number of estimated survivors appeared in an article that reviewed and updated an earlier article about Israel’s continued existence that I wrote back in May 2018 comparing the Birth “chart” of the new US Embassy that Trump in his first term moved to Jerusalem in a composite chart with the birth chart of Israel from May 1948.

It just revealed what I said in May 2018 article would even be worse, astrologically speaking, because of this move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. It was a step by Trump making the US embassy the only one moved inside the claimed Israeli capital city rather than Tel Aviv. Trump’s move was a declaration that only the Israeli Jews can call Jerusalem their capital, thus erasing through an move of property, any Palestinian claim to sharing Jerusalem for its capital when the two-state solution was finally resolved. In the article from 2018, I said the move marks the beginning to a violent end of the Jewish State in the future.

To reach my estimate of 1.7 million Palestinian survivors by September 2024, I looked at a number of sources, including some credible number-crunching theories put out by the British Lancet Medical Magazine, and made the following conclusions.

Six years and two months later, I inserted my updates inserted in that republished May 2018 article to be read again in my September-into-October 2024 HogueProphecy Report. One of the updates I excerpt for you here, dwelled on Trump’s Zionist son-in-law, Jared Kushner’s chilling, cold blooded statement musing openly about the business opportunities this genocide of Palestinians clearly might present. Could Trump’s uncomfortable and head-down labor over his notes have been inspired by, or set down for him to read, by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is married to his daughter Ivanka, who has converted to Jewish orthodoxy, whom Trump is very close to? Can such a true love be so blind to Zionist tendrils clutching Trump’s heart?

Here presently is the updated material from September of last year that included the conversation Kushner had at a talk at Harvard around March of 2024. It shows how Trump’s note reading and Kushner’s stumbling about a similar issue, getting those people that shall not be publicly named out of Gaza, seems to connect this first outrageous offer to his son-in-law:


HOST: People worry that once Gazans leave, Gaza, Netanyahu won’t let them back in.

JARED KUSHNER: Um… (pause) Maybe, but what’s left of the place? And Gaza’s waterfront property. It could be very valuable. But I do think right now, opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move. But… uh, I’m not sure there’s much left of Gaza at this point. Like, Gaza was not really a historical precedent, right? It was the result of a war. Right? You had tribes that were from different places. But then Gaza became a thing. Uh… Egypt used to run it.

(See Videos on “X”: video one; and especially Kushner’s full quote caught on camera on a video published by The Cradle)

Finishing the job of Genocide. Such a deal, Jared Kushner! Worse though is how with Zionist “anti-Semitism” targeting Palestinian “Semites” for collective punishment, I fear we will see people collectively punish Jews in general. Zionism is not Judaism, but what the Zionists like Kushner are promoting—like finish the job—could unfairly and wrongfully spread mob-motivated hate against all Jews collectively, because it looks like the demolition of Gaza is underway satisfying Kush’s cold business calculation. The bulldozers are pushing off the ruins of cities, the rubble now choked with the bones of an estimated 300,000 Palestinian Arab Semite dead men and mostly women and children that the near complete breakdown of water, power, food and medicine will, as Ralph Nader recently estimated on Judging Freedom with Anthony Napolitano, add 300,000 more dead civilians by the end of the year. That would reduce the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, that open-air concentration camp ghetto, from the official 2.3 million to only 2 million by end of September 2024. That number could be reduced by the new year drawing it down to 1.7 million survivors!

Jared_Kushner_in_Baghdad_(2017)-photo-department of defense-public-domain

(Top) Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to President Donald J. Trump in his first term. Photo: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, public domain. (Bottom) SS Leader Rheinhard Heydrich (colorized), Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1969-054-16, © Creative Commons.

(Top) Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to President Donald J. Trump in his first term. Photo: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, public domain. (Bottom) SS Leader Rheinhard Heydrich (colorized), Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1969-054-16, © Creative Commons.

Sometimes I wonder if Kushner when openly musing about the business opportunities after Israel finishes the job, is channeling the demonic spirit of SS Nazi Chief Rheinhard Heydrich. They look to me remarkably alike, right down to the coldly calculated eyes and set of measured mouth. Heydrich viewed with equal coldness of human heart, but not without an equally shrewd businessman acumen, an interest in the business opportunities stemming from the mass murder of Jewish Semites.


An Astrological Update
Of the Birth Chart of the Israeli State
A Toxic Birth May Bode a Toxic End
So I Warned Back in May 2018


News outlets without intelligence continue to ape that there’s been 48,000 Palestinians officially killed in the Gaza Strip. When I wrote this above passage, set down on 23 September 2024, I had estimated, like Nader had, that a further 300,000 dead would be reported in the new year of 2025 beyond what Judge Napolitano and Ralph Nader had estimated was 300,000 by mid-2023, equaling 600,000 murdered by Netanyahu and his regime. That leaves us with 1.7 million survivors, very close to the 1.8 million. It’s close enough to fit a base count of 2.3 million that most press sources use that generally average the number lower than it actually is, closer to 2.4 million.

Trump’s presser shocked the world and especially angered about 400 million Arabs and 90 million Iranians Muslims. It seemed that Trump would allow the Zionists to “quietly” continue to deny the Palestinians food and water, because there’s nothing to return to. It was just what Netanyahu’s supporters wanted to hear.

The shocking fact is, and I get this revelation from Israeli pollsters. Netanyahu’s Israel is gung-ho with US guns and bombs blazing in this genocide, so say 97 percent of all 7 million Jewish Israelis polled. It must be a very lonely place for just 3 percent who feel that mass murder and starving the Palestinians out is immoral, an outright war crime, even. Even the Nazis didn’t have that much German civilian support for their genocide of the Jews in the last Holocaust from the German people.

Was Trump and the United States going to “own” that too?!

Moments before Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi arrives at the West Wing. Lobby of the White House, President Donald Trump in shadow talks with a member of his staff on Monday, April 3, 2017, in Washington D.C. Photo by Benjamin Applebaum. (Public domain)

Moments before Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi arrives at the West Wing. Lobby of the White House, President Donald Trump in shadow talks with a member of his staff on Monday, April 3, 2017, in Washington D.C. Photo by Benjamin Applebaum. (Public domain)

The Palestinians aren’t leaving! Over their 1.7 million dead bodies will they leave! The President must have seen what we saw during this ceasefire that had shocked the Zionist majority across Israel, when Hamas fighters came out of their network of tunnels. They had not been destroyed. They were well-fed, hale and hearty, armed to the teeth. They were on parade, proudly wearing their clean camouflage uniforms, black balaclava hoods wrapped around by well ironed green headbands proudly displaying prayers to Allah in Arabic. They marched down the devastated streets of Gaza to the cheers of a generally thinner but still very alive 1.7 million civilians.

No, there was no way these people are going to be herded like sheeple out of their land, their Palestine, what’s left of it, by anyone.

Whatever losses the IDF achieved were replaced by many of the lean civilian men from that cheering crowd. Clearly Hamas forces are even more numerous than back on 7 October 2023! While at the same time the Israeli Defense Forces have been beaten, their ranks diminished as are their armored vehicles and tanks. One of my best retired CIA sources, Larry Johnson, cited a CIA source still inside Langley, VA, that the IDF suffered more than the official count of 800 dead, and I might add, have an uncounted multitude of wounded not yet told to the Israeli public and the world. Johnson’s CIA source admitted that the IDF death toll was 5,000!

As far as the debate about the wounded count goes, Israel has one of the best wounded retrieval capabilities of any modern military. Given the smallness of the country, a wounded Israeli soldier can get to surgery within that “golden hour” for survival better than most modern nations can achieve. Hence Israel has a lot higher ratio of wounded to dead.

When the number of dead was first believed to be under 1,000, estimations put the number of lightly to gravely wounded Israeli soldiers around 10,000—one dead for ten wounded. Four times more dead might expand those wounded numbers now as 4 times more than 10,000! For a nation of 9 million with 7 million Jews being the master race over the other Arab Israelis, it is mostly Jewish IDF soldiers in that 5,000 killed in action number. This higher number, perhaps the highest loss of Israeli killed in any Israeli war since 1948 and given the horrors of urban battle and the greater difficulty extracting wounded, I would estimate the death to wounded ratio is still higher than most modern militaries: 1 to 6, or 1 to 7. My oracular sense tells me 30-to-35,000 wounded is closer to the number of seriously and lightly wounded. That means dead and wounded together could be as high as 35-to-40,000 casualties. Given Israel’s small, mostly Jewish population, that is a serious loss of life and limb for such a small population!

Okay! Even though I had read the Art of the Deal, this time Trump almost had me shocked beyond the pale by his seemingly cavalier and disgusting move to “own” Netanyahu’s genocide of the Palestinians for a successful rebuilding of the Gaza Strip on the bones of 600,000 dead Palestinian civilians with the rest sent packing, scattered all across the world—the very definition of a genocidal plan!

Then it came to me.

Trump is still playing his shock and awfulness as only a first move to willfully upset others, to jolt them into coming up with a better deal than he offered. Anything had to be better than what he offered! He was also deconstructing-then-reconstructing-now his relationship with Bibi Netanyahu.

You should have seen Netanyahu’s reaction as he gripped the podium looking at Trump half smiling, half freaked out, with his knuckles turning white from his vice grip of that podium, trying to hold himself up from falling over when Trump declared that he, and the United States now “own” this Gaza mess. This was the final step in Trump’s deconstruction of his “friendship-fiendship” relationship made indirectly public with Bibi Netanyahu.

What Trump had just done, publicly in that press conference, was take away Netanyahu’s ownership of the Gaza mess, leaving Bibi even more a powerless mouse in Trump’s meaty grip.

Netanyahu and the Zionists are off the hook, but so is Trump free of their donation tenterhooks they presume are still stuck deep into him for future manipulation.

[UPDATE: 27 February 2025]

Trump didn’t make this A.I. 33-second “Trump-Gaza” video, but he did post it on Truth Social, his version of Elon Musk’s X, where it carried over to X and went viral there as well.

Trump didn’t make this A.I. 33-second “Trump-Gaza” video, but he did post it on Truth Social, his version of Elon Musk’s X, where it carried over to X and went viral there as well.

Trump didn’t make this A.I. 33-second “Trump-Gaza” video, but he did post it on Truth Social, his version of Elon Musk’s X, where it carried over to X and went viral there as well.

Owning “Trump-Gaza”? Perhaps not…

Trump’s inner eight-year-old isn’t being led down the primrose path to disaster as catalyst to a completion of Zionism’s holocaust against the Palestinians in Gaza. For now Egyptian President El-Sisi after a few days gestating what Trump “owned,” had galvanized El-Sisi to make a counter offer, bringing to bear his goal of rebuilding the Gaza Strip for Palestinians and they will be placed in a newly built refugee camp in Gaza Strip too. No casting them out! The US owned it, the Egyptians are bidding for it with Gulf Arab billions to pay for it, and therefore the Zionists, who no longer own this mess, just lost their lusted dream to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Israel, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Trump in his new deal making maneuver endorsed the 33-second video he didn’t make, Trump Gaza and the genocidal 97 percent of Israel’s Jewish population can just pound Gazan beachfront sand rather than pound what’s left standing and living in the Gaza Strip “for now.”

He first posted the video on his Truth Social network. Maybe it’s in jest, this sincerely strange, biblically “golden calf”-idolatrous and worshipful moment, visualizing Trump as a great golden statue, Trump as Golden Calf stand-in to worship, perhaps, with kids holding golden balloons of Trump’s head too. And later, people buying golden miniatures of Trump standing or sitting in a lounge chair of gold.

In the video the Gaza Strip has been rebuilt as a glitzy, flesh humping and bumping resort stop for the rich, the famous, and even the Palestinians can run hand-in hand out of their devastated world of today, through a tunnel out onto tomorrow where there’s bright, sunny beach sands of plenty and into the arms of Elon Musk, after they run past Hamas fighters, still in their green scarfs, but dressed as drag queen belly dancers lined up on the sand gyrating.

It doesn’t rain US built bombs anymore upon the Palestinian children. It’s raining US dollars instead, that Palestinian kids hopping on the beach grab in mid-air. And at the end, there’s the former president after the 5 or 7 years it took to bulldoze away the ruins and the bones of the genocide Trump stopped.

There he is in retirement, stretched out with former Prime Minister Netanyahu. They’re both pasty old white guys in swimming trunks, laying back on beach lounges, sipping drinks and soaking in the rays and the “hoorays” for their achievement.

Trump-Gaza reminds me of the moment in Mel Brook’s first version of his movie The Producers, when a posh, New York theater audience is depicted in utter, gob-smacked shock, eyes wide, stunned like statues, as the camera keeps cutting back and forth from them to musical comedy dancers in SS black uniforms singing “Springtime for Hitler and Germany!” (Here’s that scene)

Is Trump-Gaza a joke like “Springtime for Hitler” where you perform something in such bad taste that it is hilarious?

Does it inspire Trump’s inner, precocious eight-year-old’ism to immaturely dream the Trump-Gaza dream; or is this his perversely sincere hope that he can do with Gaza what he failed to do back in Atlantic City when he was in the Casino business, make a bawdy, kind of sleezy, all-too-sexually-provocative deal, with him standing before an adoring belly dancer waving her bare shapely butt crack in our faces, and the faces of Muslim Gazans currently starving and dying, daily brutalized by their Israeli occupiers, whose programmed Islamic sensibilities will not be amused by that butt crack or Hamas fighters in drag!

Maybe Trump approves of this video because it will troll the Dems, with their faux Liberalism, their gender on a bender Wokeism, etc.

The more he surprises the more he is the same.

What is Trump-Gaza but a bit like what he approved of for the opening of the first season of The Apprentice. There he is, much younger flaunting his wealth, his jet triumphantly circling Manhattan Island, and his Trump Tower with jet, helicopter and “TRUMP” Tower already, stamped on them, all to the tune of the O’Jay’s, “For the Love of Money!” A song that is saying money is, “No good! No Good!” You’re “bad” Mr. Trump, so BAD! As “Bad” as Michael Jackson in his video “Bad. “From your golden escalator to becoming Trump-Gaza’s golden calf for worship.

The play is the thing with you. The device is the thing.

Trump Statue? Or the new Golden Calf for Zionists to worship idolatry through?

Trump Statue? Or the new Golden Calf for Zionists to worship idolatry through?

Trump Statue? Or the new Golden Calf for Zionists to worship idolatry through?

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DATELINE: 24 February 2025

 Plaster cast of the ancient bust thought to depict the ancient Greek fabulist and storyteller Aesop, of Aesop’s Fables (620-564 BC), at the Villa Albani, Rome. In the Aesop Romance, translated by Lloyd W. Daly, in Anthology of Ancient Greek Popular Literature, ed. It was William Hansen, p. 111, who said Aesop was described as “of loathsome aspect... potbellied, misshapen of head, snub-nosed, swarthy, dwarfish, bandy-legged, short-armed, squint-eyed, liver-lipped—a portentous monstrosity.” Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Author Shakko. © Creative Commons.

Plaster cast of the ancient bust thought to depict the ancient Greek fabulist and storyteller Aesop, of Aesop’s Fables (620-564 BC), at the Villa Albani, Rome. In the Aesop Romance, translated by Lloyd W. Daly, in Anthology of Ancient Greek Popular Literature, ed. It was William Hansen, p. 111, who said Aesop was described as “of loathsome aspect… potbellied, misshapen of head, snub-nosed, swarthy, dwarfish, bandy-legged, short-armed, squint-eyed, liver-lipped—a portentous monstrosity.” Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Author Shakko. © Creative Commons.

On Trump’s Modus Operandi—with some Help from my Recollections on Tom Robbins, Ray Bradbury and Aesop’s Fables—is an Exercise in Spontaneity

My literary mentor, Ray Bradbury, down in his basement office in Cheviot Hills, Los Angeles, California, for a time in the early 1960s, used to type facing a wall that had a grimacing Tiki God glowering at him so that he would rediscover with a start every moment he might have an objective thought break the flow and make him stop typing and look up from his typewriter, arresting the creating of an inner eye brightly.

Coitus interruptus by some editorial thought, made him do it. His gaze behind those signature pop-bottle glasses collided with the Tiki God grimace, then chanced upon reading the plaque above the Polynesian pagan daemon god, hanging off the wall, instantly admonishing him to remember its two-word command: “DON’T THINK!” Then bear down his head with greater resolve back to keyboard, typing in a state of pure creative subjectivity once again…

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DATELINE: 25 February 2025

Source: Pixabay. Author Felix Mittermeier. © Creative Commons.

Source: Pixabay. Author Felix Mittermeier. © Creative Commons.

It Interrupted Writing of this HogueProphecy Report
From an Unexpectedly Violent Thunderstorm

The light dial of dusk was rapidly being turned down by something this way coming! I rushed from my eastward, second-floor office window to the nearby bathroom’s little window to peer out at its sprawling, territorial view facing south. The storm was rushing over everything, fast, out of the south-southwest. It scaled the distant tree line of Douglas firs, then cast brooding shadows, first over the higher and soft-rolling cattle field, next the lower sheep meadows. It charged in like blacker-than-black Ringwraiths riding a host of galloping clouds…

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DATELINE: 25 February 2025

Secretary Marco Rubio, with from left, U.S. Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, National Security Advisor Mosaad bin Mohammad al-Aiban, the Russian president's foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov, and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attend a meeting together at Diriyah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 18, 2025. (Official State Department photo by Freddie Everett)

Secretary Marco Rubio, with from left, U.S. Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, National Security Advisor Mosaad bin Mohammad al-Aiban, the Russian president’s foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov, and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attend a meeting together at Diriyah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 18, 2025. (Official State Department photo by Freddie Everett, public domain)

Hosted by MBS, the Crown Prince soon to Be a King
Of Saudi Arabia, who has been Unfairly Foreseen
4.7 Centuries Ago by a King of Prophets—Michel de Nostradamus—as Mabus, his Third and Final Antichrist

I’d like you to note something, that I think most of you already have noted. It is an important change which is epochal in its historic consequences. There is no “Paris” in these “Peace talks.” Not a single European capital or Western locale even came up for consideration as the honored locale for these world changing negotiations.

Paris? Move over. Riyadh is the diplomatic epicenter of the world for the Russo-American peace talks are also economic talks, global security treaty-restoring talks. Riyadh will witness the resumption of the “New START” talks to limit nuclear weaponry too.

New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks) has a diplomatic shelf-life deadline for deletion on 4 February 2026. Putin and Trump will succeed in renewing the New START process long before that deadline comes. They are already talking, and both are amendable to breathtakingly positive moves, such as the three Great Powers of China, Russia and the USA cutting their defense budgets “in half.” Russia and America are open to do this, China may join them in Riyadh perhaps later. Trump has also spoken openly about eradicating all nuclear weapons in the world.

I love these big ideas on the table, but we have a long way to pass before we get there. Like the Paris Peace Talks, the Riyadh Peace Talks might take several years.

Paris put aside for Riyadh indicates how completely the Western World that so dominated human history for 500 years is stepping out of being the center of world history’s making…

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DATELINE: 26 February 2025

Nostradamus (1503-1566) Painting by Cesar de Nostradamus.

Nostradamus (1503-1566). Portrait by his son César de Nostredame.

The Great Brothers
Who Are Not Yet Brothers
(Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin)
May at Last Become Brothers in 2025
And the World Will Be Saved through It,
So Says Nostradamus?

2 Q89
Vn iour ƒeront demis1 les deux grands maiƒtres,
Leur grand pouuoir ƒe verra augmenté:
La terre neufue2 ƒera en ƒes hauts eƒtres,
Au ƒanguinaire le nombre racompté.

One day the two great masters will become friends-halved,
Their great power will be seen to increase:
The new land [America] will be at its highest peak,
To the bloody one, the number is recounted.

1Demis, Greek for “to halve” is an anagram/double entendre for Damis stands for D’amis, friend.
2Nostradamus uses phrases such as the new land or Americh, or Amorique as codes for the New World and/or America also often referred to as the Hesperiques, the land under the Western evening star.

The great masters (great leaders) mentioned here tie into what Nostradamus calls elsewhere the Brothers or Kings of the North. They’re also called those of Aquilon or the Aquilonaires. The last two are classical metaphors for the Constellation of Aquila (the Eagle) rising out of the north-by-northwestern horizon of Ancient Rome in late autumn sending a cold northern wind, a first hint of winter, whistling around the pillars and into the pagan temples of the city.

These masters, friends-halved lead great powers in the high north, such as the US and Russia do today. They are Nostradamus’ Aquilonaires (eagle kings) existing in our present and near future because their animal totems of both American and Russian presidential seals display eagles: the Bald Eagle for the US and the double-headed Russian golden eagle for the Russian President.

This prophecy prompted my 1986 leap of intuition divining an end to the Cold War at the decade of the 1980s close. It seemed to me then, that Russia and the US just might end their Cold War and become friends. There is one linguistically ominous hint, however, of all efforts of goodwill potentially failing.

The word Nostradamus uses for friends in his original text is a made-up word, a Greco-French hybrid, demis. It could be code for the French d’amis—friends. On the other hand, demis as he spells it, uncorrected, is the Greek word describing friends who will be “halved, divided, or split.”

In the 1997 edition of Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies, I wrote something that bears more attention to those of us living in the 2020s: “The instigator of such a split-up could be the fearsome North African or Middle Eastern figure the prophet calls Mabus (2Q62) and/or the third Antichrist. Anytime between 1997 and 1999, or later between 2024 through 2038.”

Keep the year 2024 in mind—October 2024 to be specific—when reading 5Q78’s closing theme about dating a new Cuban Missile Crisis potential either over Ukraine, Taiwan or the Middle East caused by a rebellious US or Russian Barbare Vassal (ally)…

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DATELINE: 6 March 2025

Secretary Marco Rubio attends talks between Vice President J.D. Vance and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Munich, Germany, February 14, 2025. (Official State Department photo by Freddie Everett)

Secretary Marco Rubio attends talks between Vice President J.D. Vance and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Munich, Germany, February 14, 2025. (Official State Department photo by Freddie Everett, public domain)

Secretary Center, Vice President J.D. Vance with Secretary of State Marco Rubio to his right in a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (off camera) at the Munich Security Conference, Germany, February 14, 2025. (Official State Department photo by Freddie Everett, Public Domain)

Objective Evidence of my Subjective Predictions about Him

The following speech, made in Munich on 14 February 2025, will go down as one of the most significant speeches made by an American Vice President that will himself become a President. This speech has set in motion many breathtaking changes that could eventually include the end of NATO, after the US leaves it. The return of European nations to their sovereignty, that will end the European Union. NATO is an organization that should have died out at the end of the First Cold War (1948-1989) alongside its opposing alliance, the Warsaw Pact, which did dissolve. Instead, however, NATO could only make itself relevant by ultimately provoking Russia with its eastward advance and expansion up to the Russian frontiers, then up to Ukraine, Russia’s well warned “red line,” even. Hence NATO’s war by proxy with Russia began turning Cold War II (2014-2022) into a hot World War III (2022-?). May it remain only conventionally fought.

In this speech, Vance calmly stood before the Canadian and European leaders of NATO and simply exposed what NATO “is not fighting for…”

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DATELINE: 06 – 12 March 2025

Photo by Robert Mutter Diwamani.

Photo by Robert Mutter Diwamani.

On the Second American Revolution
And Some of What is Coming Next

I wonder if the Ukrainians see the Trumpian set-up here?

Is Trump also noticing how Zelensky is suddenly so “open” for a 30-day time out in the war just when Russia has achieved its largest victory of this war so far. They currently are steam rolling the routed Ukrainians forces that tried occupying Russia’s oblast of Kursk since August last year as some pipe dream Kiev held onto, as if it could use Kursk as a bargaining chip to return Ukrainian territories. That’s not going to happen now.

This pipe dream met a pipe nightmare just a few days ago (I write this on 12 March). Eight hundred Russian Special Forces troops secretly entered the Ukrainian natural gas pipeline that Ukraine had shut off. The Russians aired it out, pumped it full of oxygen and sent a small army of 800 Russians inside that underground pipe, walking 16 kilometers behind Ukrainian lines to appear with blue armbands—what Ukrainian soldiers wear to distinguish themselves from the Russians—beside the town of Sudzha, the largest settlement and transport hub in Kursk Ukrainian-occupied territory. The surprise and panic they caused unhinged tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers behind their lines. In front of their lines on all sides across what is left of the shrinking Kursk territory they still control are Russian offensive strikes. As many as 10,000 Ukrainians are trapped in Sudzha, thousands more have surrendered and sadly thousands more are being destroyed.

Routs will do that.

Many thousands of Ukrainians are driving what vehicles have survived, racing madly down the only decent road out of Kursk to Sumy Oblast in Ukraine. Other thousands are slogging slowly in the same direction near that road in mud-soaked fields and forests. In both cases they are being hunted down by swarms of hundreds of Russian suicide drones.

From what I can see, the road is so choaked with the freshly burned-out Ukrainian army vehicles that the rest can’t pass through and these are getting destroyed in further traffic jams. Through footage I’ve seen on X from Russian suicide drone cameras, the Russians are hunting down anything that drives down roads or can humanly move west in underbrush or fields. Perhaps hundreds per hour are becoming prey to the explosion’s embrace of these Kamikaze Russian drones!

So of course the Ukrainians are suddenly pulling a one-eighty, agreeing to a ceasefire for 30 days. The European NATO leaders also did a one-eighty, supporting Trump’s ceasefire agenda, as well. No one has contacted the Russian leadership yet about what they think about it. Trump and Putin will have an important phone call on Thursday.

It takes no Nostradamus to predict what’s coming on Thursday. Trump already clearly knows what Putin wants. They talked about it in detail in their first phone call that started the renewed US-Russian dialogue that Biden had ended for years…

I think Trump is testing the waters.

The Russians will make it clear that they are open to further dialogue, but they will politely and respectfully not agree to this temporary ceasefire, except by agreeing in the principle of finally ending the war starting with a ceasefire.

And while they’re further talking, the war will go on, “Paris Talks with North Vietnam” style. The negotiations will have to keep up with the changes in Russia’s favor on the battlefield, so I predict.

Now that European NATO is all in with Trump’s ceasefire, they can’t bug out now. That’s how Trump caught them into what will be a slow negotiating process now between the US and Russia that can ONLY end the way the Russians want it to end. Either through diplomacy, which they would prefer it to be, saving lives, but if it has to be through mor stick, the war will be finished through a very big Russian clubbing kind of warfare upon the Ukrainians.

The four oblasts will be liberated through blood and fury, and with a whole lot of extra territories added as a buffer, perhaps all Ukrainian territories up to the East Bank of the Dnieper River with maybe the more western Russian Oblast of Odessa thrown into the permanent ceasefire deal without a shot fired there.

Back on News Years Eve on Coast-to-Coast AM, I said Trump will pull the plug on “Project Ukraine” in 2025. It will happen very very slowly, like pulling a plug in slow motion out of Kiev’s political power socket. The Ukraine War will end this year. The Russians will get ALL the territories of the four Russian speaking provinces that were once under Ukraine control and suffering its fascist tyranny. That is certain…

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